The Secret's of Soccer Tactics
The English Plan

Depending on the wind, the striker's position may vary...
The French Plan

In their plan, they try all possible hypothesis.
Shit! They forgot the goal
The Brasilain Plan comments!
The German Plan

Radical, efficient, unstoppable... (ball's speed may reach 297km/h)
The Italian Plan

Iron defense, small ideas in midfield, passes to striker and Penalty
The Turkish Plan

Note: the red dot is not the ball. it's a referee.
The Russain Plan

The Scottish Plan

Stay at home and watch the others on TV!...
- At 2:33 PM, Said...
Mwahahahaha Hát ez oltári vazze :D Oroszok => Bwahahaha! :DDDDD
- At 2:59 PM, Said...
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